Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chapter 15

D'aww. Aya is the cutiest ever!
Ahem, Welcome back to the Sedlock Legacy :)
Takota- HE'S SO CUTE!
Soldier- I will bite you.
Takota- Owwie!
Soldier- Heh heh.

Random pic of Sinder because I think he's freaking adorable. Nyah.
Playing nice? Yey! This legacy will be a breeze if all my kiddos are like this!
And for the last night, the kids all bundled up in a camp out.
Yes, last night, as we are moving again.

Good bye, second legacy house.
Hello brand spanking NEW legacy house! :) No tour, because frankly, I'm not very happy with it.
Why is he doing homework in the girl room? WTF dude?
Aspen- Look at her, she's so ugly.
Aya- Bahaha I know. Ew.
Newspaper girl- I can hear you.
Fabian- I called this family meeting, because I'm thinking about expanding our family a little more.
Fabian- How about a horse?
Aya- When will she be here?
Fabian- Any second XD

Friday, March 2, 2012

Chapter 14

Hello! And welcome back, as we bathe Soldier because he got fleas.
Lovely -.-
Sinder- Hehe, they'll never find me here.
Sinder- Nope. Never.
Keep dreaming.
Yeyy adult birthday. With no one.
Heh heh.
Well, Soldier and Sinder.
yah yah yah. Who cares about oldies, with cutie kids running around somewhere?
Aspen- Lol, your in a high chair.
Aya- Shut your mouth.
Twins. What can yah do?
Connor slept here >.> Despite the perfectly good bed I paid simoleons for. Nach.
Ah, so that's how this works XD
Birthdays :)

Kiddies :) I love these two, but Aya is definatly my favourite.
Bby <3
Soldier- I has fleas again. Please give me a bath.
Fabian- Why can't you be like Sinder?
Soldier- Nah. I'm cool, he licks his crotch.
Omg. maybe my sims will... GET ALONG! Who knows? See you next time! :)