The next morning I decided that with the seeds I had found yesterday, I would start a garden!
I built the fence myself! And I even caught the butterfly by myself!
Organic cereal?
That's going a bit far, don't you think?
Ooooh! Another seed, I can't wait to see what it grows into!
And of course, I had to fish for awhile since that IS my profession.
They mock me >.>
Ugh! It's awful! It's almost as big as my HEAD!
And after that, I decided to give another speech. I heard great things about my other ones, even though nobody really recognizes me.
Prolly because now one ever looks at me.
But when I was finished, I heard great things.
"Sounds like a challenge. I like that."
"Hm. This sound slike something I would try."
"My baby will have something to be proud of before he's even born!"